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Monday, December 01, 2008

i know this blog has been declared dead a few months or close to a yr back or more, can't really remember. but i just feel that ranting in my own blog without much notice is just wad i needed.

"the garbage woman" got back a dog from one of my detested relative, just wonder y this kind of ppl exist in this tiny planet in this gigantic universe, a dog is not a toy! a dog is not a gift and definately not a garbage to be passed around! PLEASE PLEASE, anyone who reads this, unless you really have no choice like going overseas to work for a long period of time, PLEASE do not or never give ur dog( or should i say another family member of urs) to another person or buy a dog for gift! when u invite a dog into ur hse, please please please give the dog his deserved family for life and not just a temporary family, thanks

really wished that i could just shift out without any worries, i hasn't been talking to "the garbage woman" for close to a month since she cleared out one of my bank acc, just wondered wad is her brain made out of, did she ever thought of others when she speaks or do things, she has been bad mouthing my "another close one", making my "yet another close" one leave this household and now i really wish that i could enlist as early as tml just not to face her for months, but too bad ns allow recuits to return home every weekend or so.

just wad did the family owe her? she developed my "yet another loved one" to who he is now and "another loved one" to a man who just slog for the family for nothing, sometimes i just wonder how he tolerate her for so long, closing to 30 yrs.

"another loved one" is just another man out there slogging for the family and wans his family to be close to him and understanding him but it's just "the garbage woman" who bad mouth him whenever she gets a chance to, just wonder wad she is thinking when she does all these stupid things.

can anyone just tell me y ppl who collects "things" that they do not use COLLECTS them and leave them pilling up in their own home and worse of all a home which in other's eyes is a cosy and nice hse. sometimes i wonder m i living in a junk yard or a proper home? can anyone tell me the ans? till today, i really dun wish to bring friends home for gathering or so but i always wished to, HAIZ

guess my ranting shall end here for now, abt 1% of my anger has gone....thanks for reading

- The LONER Spoke @5:59:00 AM -

Thursday, June 05, 2008


my room mate faizal(malaysian), very nice and approachable guy

my neighbour, deck cadet(singaporean), jonathon

me! fat right, haiz


- The LONER Spoke @10:09:00 PM -

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

pics of mother nature

pictures of ship+ mother nature

looking out for the stupid transport back



- The LONER Spoke @3:15:00 AM -

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Certs achieved:
Basic fire fighting
Class 3 Driving licence
NPCC ATF trainer cert
Abseiling level 1&2
RC's Basic first aid cert
Kayaking 1-3 star

- The LONER Spoke @1:59:00 PM -

Monday, December 04, 2006

ok, long time no blog le.... haha.... wasn't thinking about blogging these days... cause everyday was fun....

finished my ATF trainer course.... gt my TP date, gt my ppcdl, waiting for my kayaking level 1 coaching assessment..... days pass as usual except that someone is beside me compaired to the past....

- The LONER Spoke @5:50:00 PM -

Friday, October 27, 2006

- The LONER Spoke @9:57:00 PM -

Ok time to blog again... haha... guess alot ppl waiting for me to blog ya... haa

Basically this week is quite fun la... haha... monday did our stupid workshop... miss lunch still end late lo... shit man..... it's so fustrating lo... after school went out for dinner with her... then walk walk n then go home le..

Tues WAS FUN!!!!! Went to Vivo city with mum, shop from 1130am till like 630pm.... haha.. so long... didn't even rest... haha... bought quite a few things... like a mini fan for my bro's stupid router without internal fan de... SMC de lo... followed by a mouse pad with the wrist rest de.. haha... then went to shop at some small shops... haha.. bought 2 addidas T-shirts... quite cheap for 1... the other one more ex.... haha... wanted to get gloves but can't seem to find it... then bought some food stuffs there too... ya, my mum bought a DVD player for herself... haha..

Wed was A COOL day, early in the morning went to lesson and aaron kanna strip in class due to his 18th BIRTHDAY, haha... it's video and post in a web, shan't disclose it, if not later he kill me... haha... in the afternoon i went to CDC for my FTT(Final Theory Test), i passed... haha.. just waiting for my module 2 to be completed so that i can book my test date.. haha...=D

Thursday morning i went for lesson at CDC, was 10 mins late, but heng he nv scold... haha.. cleared my module 1 le.....then after school went to shop with her around city hall, went to look at climbing gears... saw a single impact helmet at adventure 21, quite nice n CHEAP!!!! but doubt i getting one as CK said that HQ purchasing new helmets for ATF trainers n instructors... haha... quite a nice day out la...

ok today went for my prac lesson, once in the car, he said we going to tampinese, i was like =O... but ok la.... nothing actually went wrong.. haha.. when at those deserted roads with no cars, i wanted to try some stuns with the car but didn't dare... haha.. but after all, he stamped 2 chops for me... haha... if u all know how the system work then u should know wad i trying to say la... haha...

think all these updates are getting dry, below are some pics of the cars... haha

on the left is the car i used today and on the right is the rows of cars... like wholesale like that.. haha

- The LONER Spoke @9:25:00 PM -

Saturday, October 21, 2006

ok, time to blog again... haha....

OK, basically this week is filled with outing with her, my driving prac lesson and theory etrials.... and lastly ATF trainer's selection which is held this morning.

driving prac on tues, was doing quite well la, haha... cause nothing much to learn ma... i didn't know i was speeding in the circuit till the instructor tell me that the speed limit in the circuit is 40km per hour.... haha... the previous instructors onli mentioned that in circuit onli can use 2nd gear max... haha

yesterday went out with pl, yw, her after my etrial, dono wad happen to the friendship between yw, pl n me la.... i know nothing about them, their recent encounters or so lo... haiz... maybe it's reaching the end le ba.... i wan to know more but they refuses to say... wad can i do in that sense... haiz... give up ba...

Today went for the ATF trainer's selection due to the overwhelming response from the pool of CIs, there are onli 35 places for NPCC but 60+ ppl signed up for the course.... basically went through 3 stations, first was the pamper pole, some ppl call it challenge pole.... haha... went up n stood up smoothly but when jump can't get a good grip of the bar, due to my sweaty palms... haiz... then was the ACT, have to do some challenging things up there la... haiz... wasn't smooth for me for that, i gt a cramp on my right fore arm in mid way... then bo pian, have to support on the rescue ladder to go all the way back.... haiz...

hope tml would be a better day ba... haha... having my abseiling level 2 tml... wish me all the luck k...

- The LONER Spoke @9:16:00 PM -

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Ok, basically spent my sat n sun at KLSSC coaching nan hua gg n NPCC ppl in their 1 star course with aaron n stanley...

quite fun with them i can say.... haha.. some real cute ones la... n some funny ppl....

ok yesterday was a bit disappointed at my side... kanna "dua" by her, i went on bus heading to her direction le then she send a msg ask me go home, damn pissed and i called CDC after awhile when i saw a last minute slot online, booked the lesson from 425 to 605, quite fun la... haha finished my 8 circuit stamps... next lesson would be assessment before i head out of the circuit for lessons...

after lesson called aaron, n we met at AMK for dinner, had steamboat and drank abit la... haha... wa lau eh..... jon, aaron n clement all gt new hp.... so envy .... i wan my k800i soon.... haha..... some pics below....

- The LONER Spoke @10:34:00 AM -

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ok the mood is here again, time to BLOG... haha

Sunday was filled by abseiling course... haha.. did quite alot of practical skills.... like locking and all.... even tried some level 2 things... haha... after that went for a heavy dinner with aaron, lian yu, dickson, raymond, jasper, chee kian and hui yu at bugis... cause raymond say wanna try out the other steamboat resturant...pics taken on that day...

Yesterday, School again, hate to come back to school when other polys are still having their holidays.... had to submit our pipe for pressure test in the afternooon, but i didn't do much on the piece cause i m not that confident to... haha... most are done by aaron and aaron.... haha... our pipe gt 3 leaks but we gt the least leaks compared to the other 3 groups.... the most was WWR's group... sad for his team members.... finished 80-90% of it himself.... nv let his team members contribute to the piece.... in the end for wad he had done, they gt 10 leaks on their pipe..... pics of my group members and our pipe below...haha

jason and his groups pipe in the pic below

part of my class in overall

- The LONER Spoke @7:13:00 PM -

Saturday, October 07, 2006

ok basically today went for abseiling L1 course at chong pang CC... met aaron, hui yu, jasper and dickson for the course this afternoon, and walk to the CC, the haze was very heavy lo, this afternoon when i went out at 11 and the psi was 130...

after the course went to walk around yishun and there's a mini event there lo... haiz... cannot play the games cause i dono where to buy the tickets to play... haha... then took train to toa payoh and on the way i read a book which i borrowed from SP library and i went to walk at toa payoh then happen to pass by the performance infront of the library and listen to bands playing... there's a band which play very well which their group's name is Another Sunday Afternoon... really nice... they gt a webby but under construction... it's www.anothersundayafternoon.com ..... and another group performed was "Hei Se Yue Tuan"... formed by BRODS... it's really nice listening to those songs and performance... returned home onli after the performance at 9 and then on the way went arcade n played a few games.. haha....

shall blog another time cause playing reversi on msn with aaron, talking on phone with HER and watching news on channel 8... haha.. multi-tasking..


- The LONER Spoke @10:15:00 PM -

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's time for me to blog after such a long time... haha...ok

i seriously dono wad to write leh... haha.. today went to school at 1 n i forgot that gt prac today and i wore my slippers but the lecturer managed n allowed my to sneak in... haha... now yr 3 lab is taken care by that indian idiot who have tons of bull strength... last yr he tightened the screws of my lathe machine until i can't open lo... even mr chua have to use great effort to loosen it lo... haiz...

everyday slacking at home le these days... cause fridays i can't make it to unit due to lessons in the afternoon...

one step closer to my class 3, ppcdl and kayaking L1C... wahahahhahaha

some pics below which i have taken recently... haha.. since school starts i mean... haha

- The LONER Spoke @5:21:00 PM -

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ok basically this whole week spent almost every night out with her.... althought it's a long way back for me.. but the time was well spent ba i suppose... haha...:D...

yesterday went for my ppcdl theory test.... guess wad...... i thought 26 is fail wor... then i came out sad sad de... nv see the result slip... until the HO tell me that 26 is pass wad... haha... then did i realised that i passed.... wonder if i can get my ppcdl licence soon anot.... haha...

- The LONER Spoke @2:14:00 PM -

Sunday, September 10, 2006

HAHA..... TODAY i went shopping with my mum.... haha... after such a long time, finally i had breakfast n dinner with my parents....

guess how much is the watch which i bought.....


- The LONER Spoke @9:28:00 PM -

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ok last sat spent the night at KLSSC for the first time.... haha..... ate alot for supper with aaron n zi yang.... haha.... was the for the briefing for the subaru challange the following day.... slept quite late n woke up at 5 plus... haha... luckly i bought my sleeping bag along... if not won't be able to sleep so soundly that night... haha... Subaru challange was kinda fun leh.. wanted to play the abseiling, the flying fox n stuffs lo.... looooooks cool man.. haha... abseil at 5m height, 11m height and lastly 23m height..... and flying fox from 23m... haha........ wanted to play lo..... but cannot... sad... was there basically as safety personnel in water lo... everyone who help up in the sea was all kayaking coaches of PASSC lo.... haha....

Went for sana courses as sana instructor for like 4 days lo.... continuously.... quite fun there la.... suppose to go on friday but i lazy...... haha...... went to watch little man with raymond n all on wed and again with kathren on thursday... haha.....

just now went for KOP(kayaking Orientation Programme) as instructor.... my first attachment... ahha... it was girl guides of GMSS.... in certain way it's fun n like wise la..... some part real boring lo......


- The LONER Spoke @9:48:00 PM -

Friday, September 01, 2006

Hihi, wow yesterday night was fun, went MOS(Ministry Of Sound) with jasper, raymond and lian yu, it was my first visit there as well as jasper..... went to walk around the compound but was stop at certain room, cause it's onli for VIPs..... was basically fun there la.... danced to the beat at level 1 and love seeing those dancing in the cages.... it's like so cramp lo.... oya ... the club was filled with SMU's ppl due to their freshman bash thingy there la.... haha..... hope can go there soon again..... haha.... so nice to play there lo.... but the bad is that i dun like smoke from those smoking.... make me feel sick lo... but overall... NICE... haha...

The waitress there also quite friendly.... haha.... slowly explain the different types of drinks to us haha... cause dono wad to order ma... i drank house pour voka and voka orange.... quite nice.... left there at 1140 due to jasper's curfew... but nvm la... sure gt another time de... haha.. all of us enjoy there ba... haha... maybe bring HER there one fine day.... haha... went for satay at the stall near my hse... chat till about 12 plus then leave le cause lian yu parents called and she nv bring house key... they have to wait for her... haiz..... i dono leh.. but time spent with them i feel pleased and nice leh... maybe they suit me ba..... haah.....

watching movie tonight........ YEAH........ but not with them... haha


- The LONER Spoke @11:13:00 AM -

Monday, August 28, 2006

ok today damn sian k....... went for my mock test for my BTT.... booked for 2 slots meaning gt 2 hours to spend there....... failed 1 of the 6 papers for the mock test....... haiz sad.... but luckly not like fail very badly la.. like fail by 4% onli.....

then came home chat with jeannie... chat about lot of stuffs till she need to leave for her interview.... hope she get the job ba....... haha

was about to fall asleep..... and the phone rang... aaron was on the line..... "come out to toa payoh leh.... come accompany me"..... n without must thoughts..... i just tell him i'll be there ASAP... haiz... roamed around there for sun glasses.... saw one cheap n nice one at the price of S$90.... dono to buy that or buy the other one at concourse (or wad every it is spelt) priced at $95 but was half frame..... haha.......

CONSIDERING in progress... haha....


- The LONER Spoke @10:22:00 PM -

Sunday, August 27, 2006

ya, straight after our engineering maths exam on 24th, jason, kok, aaron leu, jonathan, kok xiang, da lun, wai lun and me went to seoul garden for dinner...... haha... chat alot and played zong ji mi ma there.... haha... who ever lose will have to eat the thing cook by the person who set the no...... ahah....... really had a good time there

after eating we went seperate ways, i went to bugis to meet lian yu, raymond and jasper n watch them eat steamboat.... cause i seriously too full to eat le... haha.. chat alot with them lo...... really enjoy the time with them sia....

on friday night, went to watch snakes on a plane, damn nice lo....... the plot is nice, the effects are nice... everything is like worth watching lo.... but there's an idiot behind me who seriously sounds like a pig lo..... kept making those sound which pigs often make.... ruint my mood of watching the show lo.... really feel like throwing my peanuts at him lo.... but i REN!!!!

yesterday went kayaking with aaron, i didn't go attach to the 1 star course cause onli 3 ppl..... then abit weird lo... haha..... manage to do left eskimo roll....... haha.... meaning i can do both sides le.... haha:D so happy..... aaron mastered his hand roll.... so envy lo.... hope i can do it too soon....


my schedule is like so packed for this holiday lo.... until i have to buy an organiser..... i found out that i have little time for everything....... 4 weeks have to cover so much..... PPCDL theory, BTT, prac car lessons, SANA instructor things, kayaking..... and so much more lo...... no time to go out...haiz...... hope end of the day i feel satisfied..... haha


- The LONER Spoke @2:24:00 PM -

Sunday, August 06, 2006

hi guys, i know i shouldn't be blogging but just can't wait to share my joy with everyone and anyone i know.........

Ok, yesterday was SYF CI gathering, it suppose to have all CIs involved in SYF Opening Ceremony over at our NPCC ubin campsite, but there's onli like 13 of us there, i suppose that the rest have something on ba.........

Lian Yu, mdm syikin, SCI raymond, SCI chee kian, Jasper, Mastura, Sunny, FI shameer, Kat, riduan, kim, razak and me attended the bbq plus gathering section, it's like so happy with them all, appreciate the time with them.

ok, it goes like this, we(lian yu,mdm syikin, sir chee kian, FI shameer and Riduan) went straight to jetty after our duties at NDP, took a cab straight down from kallang, as i was sharing the cab with mdm syikin and lian yu, conversations are bound to last at least the whole journey, while reaching changi jetty, lian yu called jasper and all who are suppose to be at the campsite around 6 plus, but they were still at the jetty, i suppose they were getting too much stuffs and it delayed their journey there.

Went over to ubin with heavy rain, the bum boat is like a very rough ride lo, then have to run from ubin jetty to the main road near the shop houses there to board sir vincent's van, when we reach campsite it's like still raining, thus we could not have out bbq at our desired location in front of the bunks where there are bbq pits there. In the end we would have to use the portable bbq pits in the kitchen to bbq.

After which we went to the canteen to chat abit lo, until they surprise me when i was speaking to a few of them at one of the tables. I was seriously shocked when the happy birthday song started behind me.... raymond bought a chocolate cake n a small strawberry mousse for me.... was so touched lo, although can't be compaired to 2004 but it is really nice of them to help me celebrate in advance as we would be having national camp on my birthday and most of us would be like very busy there..... it's really nice of them la....... we were like together for 2 parades onli leh....

as my mind went blank when they actually brought in the cake and the song, I wan to say it here to them, "Thank you ppl, really appreciate the time with you all and the celebration for me.....thankz....I woĂșld nv like to forget the moment with u all..... "

really chat a lot during the one night stay there, now i missing the wild durians there, it's like so nice lo.... althought small but it's nice...... haha

after we left ubin in the morning, went to changi village for breakfast and after tt we head for home.......

ok, some pics below for ur laughters.

on the top right, it's my NP mummy(lian yu) feeding me my small little mousse.... thanz... n hanging on to my phone is my NP daddy(raymond)


- The LONER Spoke @8:50:00 PM -

dono wad is that

about me
name : tommy
age : 19
birthday: 10 aug 88
school : Ai Tong School
Macpherson Secondary School
Singapore Polytechnic
Singapore Maritime Academy


outdoor sports
the sun
indoor sports
outdoor sports

back stabbers
stubbon ppl
irritating ppl

#1 time
#2 new toy
#3 necklace
#5 new phone
#6 new shoe
#7 tons of new clothes
[*to be continued...*]