Saturday, January 28, 2006
How free i m today finish all my packing n shopping by yesterday. i wonder wad others are doing now, just received a call from aaron that he haven't finish shopping and u know wad, shops at his place mostly closed haha..........
time seem to past as fast as a blink of an eye, it's like another chinese new year coming on its way, i remembered last year this time, i m still working at OG for some ppl who loves to do last minute shopping. This year spent lesser on clothes n all, haha. Haiz, how i wish i can turn back time, saw her blog yesterday n i drank, felt lonely as usual, felt unwanted. haiz....... that's my fate........
- The LONER Spoke @10:30:00 AM -
well yesterday was a day well spent with yw, ok i know it's again him but who ask him to be my best friend, member of my clique, with him, there's so much things to talk, it seems it nv gonna end.... haha.....
Ok i went apple with him yesterday, it was open but my cousin wasn't there, i just handed my ipod mini to one of the staffs there upon receiving my collection recept, then went walking with yw to suntec, walk whole of it and bought nothing, it was like walking aimlessly. After suntec was shaw tower, then we went on to bugis street where i brought yw to the watch shop where i gt my watch to purchase a watch for "her", those who know him should know who is "she", wth lo, they gave him discount because they still recongnise me, n tt gal tt served me asked me if the gal who came with me the previous visit is my sister, we were like ???:O???, pl is suppose to look younger than i m but then.......... haiz...........
after the whole afternoon spent with him, he went on to meet "her" while i went to my granny's place to meet my mother accompany her home since i m near chinatown. my cousin gave us a lift home, the cousin who works in apple company, he confirmed with me that he is requesting a brand new ipod mini for me as mine was almost beyond repair as they nv meet such cases. Thinking of selling mine mini as i wanna get ipod nano 4gb, should i sell or should i keep?
- The LONER Spoke @10:43:00 PM -
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Ok, yesterday was somewhat a fucked up day la....... early in the morning kanna con by the taxi driver of SHB2444J, a yellow city cab, suppose to drive me from boon keng MRT taxi stand to Poly Marina next to Singapore Yatch Club, the ride tt i always had was 15-20 mins, but the trip yesterday was 35mins, instead of taking the route using CTE then AYE, he drove to beach road the take the ECP there, he didn't finish the whole expressway near the harbour front, he drove half of it then went down le, there's SO MANY TRAFFIC lights there, drive abit then stuck there for awhile liao, total ride cost is S$14.40, usual which is onli S$12 max... that time i took at peak hour with cab booking was onli like S$16.20 which S$5 for booking plus peak hour rate, and an addition of S$0.50 for ERP. ANYONE WHO TAKE SHB2444J, PLS HELP ME ASK THE TAXI DRIVER TO GO EAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called city cab's customer service but they nv pick up at all, i called thrice...... it boiled my blood.
Second encounter of the day, went to 7-11 to help my friend buy condom as he wan to give it as a birthday present to his friend who is 18 this year, THAT STUPID INDIAN CASHIER, WITH A BLOODY FUCKING CUSTOMER WHO IS LIKE CHATTING ALONG WITH HER WHEN I WAS THERE, SHE ASKED ME FOR IC AND SAID BELOW 18 CANNOT BUY CONDOM, THEN THE BLOODY FUCKER ADDED SALT TO MY WOUND........... I M DAMN PISSED N JUST WALKED OUT................ I SEE HER AGAIN I WILL SURE GIVE HER FUCKING ATTITUDE. then my the other friend went in to buy, he also isn't 18 yet, but he managed to buy it......... WTF, ask tt cashier to Fuck off la........ DUN EVER JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then after RWP, i went back to MSS, onli me n jasper was there, dono where the others are...... haiz, Sir CK also came back to accompany us, haha....... we gave the NCOs all the chance to lead. advisors can just oversee... but not interfer, but rita (advisor) upon requestS still unwilling to back off n give the juniors a chance........ NCOs didn't have much chance, Y dun we give them some chances, we all went through it, y not let them try to... it's alright to make mistakes if there's not much risk........ everyone needs to learn........ i went to the parade square, observed the Girl Guides and NCC doing their drills, well, this time i see a great improvement in GG, but was disappointed with NCC, now i know y their cadets can't perform well, with such a CLT, would the cadets learn, can't even do it how can he a good one, dye hair also another problem, IS CLT ALLOWED TO DYE HAIR???? any CLT who sees this pls give me a reply..... as i wan to know the ans too as well as to notify the public about it....... thankz
went out with YW after returning home after NP, went to funnan but it was closed as i wan to repair my ipod mini at funnan...... but we did not waste the evening, we chat all the way, we even went to chinatown on foot to go there walk walk........... i reach the bus stop at my place at 1159pm......... haha........ wad a nice timing..... haha......
- The LONER Spoke @10:06:00 PM -
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
ok, today suppose to go out with aaron but he can't make it, then i promised to go out with von, but due to her big group of friends joining, i didn't go, as all my clique know, i dun like going out in big group as i dun like the feeling when i m left out, sorry von.
in the end i slept till 2pm, then decided to meet pl at around 330pm at bugis, but gt there at around 445........ now i know tt it take me around 10 mins to reach bugis from boon keng. Went to exchange her clothe at PMK, then walked around bugis, n lastly we went to a watch shop where i gt myself a watch..... haha...... at first wanna buy mechanical watch but it doesn't suit me then chose this watch tt i bought.... pl say looks nice on me, then i buy it le...... haha.........
without glow
with glow
guess it's price.................. haha
- The LONER Spoke @12:11:00 AM -
Ok, the starting of this year is much packed compaired to last year where i was working but now i m in poly. More over i m a CI now, packed with NP stuffs, school, and my hobby for the past few months or a year or so, kayaking. Sad that KLSSC is not our, me n aaron, preferred choice as the toilet is down for renovations, so we had to go all the way to CSSC, but i hated there as there's lots of ppl there n the currents too strong for normal practices, just like wad my 3 star instructor said, KLSSC is the best place for training, as there's lesser ppl around, calm waters, and the waves aren't tt big compaired to other places.
Me n aaron getting closer due to kayaking, same class, and one person...... haha........ can't disclose this....... haha........ tml going out with him to get hydro pack as mine spoil le..... flying away again.......
warm welcome for jasper back into MSS NPCC as a PCI, sooner or later CI.... haha....... taste for gals also quite good la, similar to my taste.... haha...... orientation was good with all CIs n HO present, ate dinner with ex-NCO, alfrad, HO Chee Keong, CI Faizal and CI Jaswant, talked over dinner n tt's fun...... knowing one another more ........lucky tt my sec 3s population still consider not bad as it's increasing slightly back nearing to the past population.
Got A for APM, SA&P, MEK1 and C for BST1, still gt electrics dono yet, haiz.... mr teo went for reservice......... back onli after this week..... so scared i fail..... haiz.........
- The LONER Spoke @6:05:00 PM -
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Ok, although i might be late to post this mail as it has already passed new year for a few days or so. I haven't been updating my blog due to some reasons like busy with games, NP, school and stuffs.
On 30th, part of 1A23 gathered at aaron leu's house at around evening to have our holiday gathering before holidays end, on that evening, we had so much fun, drank voka, be it pure voka or mix, it really have some kick. Not many of us drank but I and aaron was the one going around asking ppl to drink with me... haha....... all together i drank about 10++ pure shots...... really pushing me to the edge le....... whole night just enjoy myself as much as i could as i would be working the next day from 10am to 3 am leh........ haiyo... new year eve leh..... can't go count down with friends and stuffs. We(aaron, me, aaron's friend, kok and zi yang) went chiom chiom to get chendo..... really fun man, we joke, talk and see gals... haha... best of all..... most of us are near to knocking out....... haha..........
31st, haiz... woke up at about 8pm after the heavy night before, went to work at raffles hotel's raffles grill as awaiter, they pay me S$6.50 for normal week end rate and the from 6pm onwards is S$8 per hour respectively. Then we had a count down party with all our guests and live band n performers, after count down, we were given free flow of champians, i drank quite abit as winnie(my friend who intro me tt job) passed me her share as she can't finish, she even pass me her white wine when she couldn't finish it. I really wonder y i always turn scorching red when i drink, be it a cup, a mug or even a bottle or wadsoever. Can anyone tell me the ans???? took company's bus home at 330am back to my door step, freaking late lo......... once i reach home, immediately bathe n lie flat on bed......... planning to enjoy my day out with mum the next morning.
guess that's all i can add.. really gt no idea wad to type le.... will include pics at the end, so dun worry..... haha.........tata....


Working on new year eve
- The LONER Spoke @11:04:00 PM -
dono wad is that
about me
name : tommy
age : 19
birthday: 10 aug 88
school : Ai Tong School
Macpherson Secondary School
outdoor sports
the sun
indoor sports
outdoor sports
back stabbers
stubbon ppl
irritating ppl
#1 time
#2 new toy
#3 necklace
#5 new phone
#6 new shoe
#7 tons of new clothes
[*to be continued...*]